Dedicated and focused on
helping people design a
growth minded lifestyle

Looking to accelerate your success in what truly matters to you?
We are dedicated to helping people accelerate growth for that success.

My mission is to help people design growth into their life for a better life. I started my own personal journey back in 2004 and I soon grew a passion for sharing it and helping others. I wanted a way to get in front of more people so I created Growth by Design as my platform for my podcast, courses, and products as part of this vision.  

My purpose is to publish content, services, and products that helps people create a growth lifestyle or at least design a little growth into our lives. I believe that the best approach to growth is if we slowly and consistently add it to our lives; this makes it seem more effortless and natural and that is what I am focused on.  

I hope you will join me on this journey.

Early on as I started to prepare for my journey of helping people, I wanted to keep true to two promises that I made to myself for the benefit of the people who chose to let me help them.

Keep the majority of my content free for everyone to access. Make it about helping people over making money. Have the majority of my content provided for free so anyone and everyone anywhere has access to it. This is also why I wanted to start out by launching a podcast instead of an online course.

Only recommend content that I believe in and would use myself. I want to be able to: stand behind what I say, do no harm, waist no one’s time, and only provide proven trustworthy effective solutions that helps people.

Still More to Come

My main focus right now is producing my podcast to help others work on growth through insight and action. In the future I will focus on more products, services, and partnerships that are related to the mission of helping people design growth into their life for a better life. 

I am currently working on a few productivity type products and courses, while looking for partners for my other ideas. 

Stay tuned for more…


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